Tuesday, June 26, 2007

a few last thoughts on China...

Well it's been a rough past few weeks as far as using the internet and blogging goes. First, about a month ago my hard drive died. It was a cheap chinese brand so I guess I had it coming. But no worries, I still had all of my photos and important papers saved on my lap top. ... well my laptop died last week so now I've lost everything :( all of my photos, all of my documents, and my research from India last year

So this will most likely be my last post before I head back to the states this friday. I can't believe how fast time has gone. I have just a few days left in China and I feel like I just arrived. My Chinese is at a point where I really don't want to go without practicing for a long time or I will lose it but if I continue I think I can become fluent.


I will apply for a scholarship to study Chinese at a university in China. I'll probably apply for a university here in Tianjin because I feel so comfortable in this city and all of my friends are here. If I get it I'll study 2 years for a degree in Chinese language.

PLAN B: If I don't get the scholarship to study Chinese there is an MBA program here in Tianjin that is run throught the Univeristy of Oklahoma City so I could study for an MBA in China but earn an American degree.

ohhhh who knows what will happen. At the moment all I can think about is coming home. So I'll leave these big decisions for a later date.

See you all soon!

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