Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Hi folks. In case you didn't know you can check out my photos online from adventures in China and some from my Spring Festival trip to Thailand. go to http://community.webshots.com/user/biddle2

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lyndsey.....The pictures are all great, and I'm glad you had enough time from teaching to do more traveling. I'm certain you're getting anxious to get back home. At least, you've had time with some other people who have most likely been very interesting, but I know your dad and mother will be happy when you return, as will the rest of us. You can now say, "I've been there and done that"! Gaige is a beautiful baby and Garrett loves him. I gave the baby a gift and on the outside of the package, I tied a rubber yellow duck. Well, Garrett thinks the duck is for him. I'm sure they'll both be bathing with the duck. Hope to see you soon and may your trip back be a good one. Jeff & Sharon left June 10th for a month in Europe. She is in the Industrial Engineering Dept., at Penn State and is able to be off in June, July and 1 week in August. Jeff is now heading the "No-Till Alliance Department" in the Agronomy department at Penn State, so they decided they could do this right now. He called last week and they were in Florence, Italy. They had already been to Rome and Pisa, then biked two days thru the Florence area, and will be going to Cinque Terre, Bologna, Lake Guarda, Venice, Praque, Dubrovonik and Warsaw before returning home around the 8th of July. Uncle Jim and I have been to Europe three times and it's always beautiful, so we may decide to do that again sometime. He was stationed with the Army in Austria and loves that area. John just returned from a trip west to LasVegas, Salt Lake City, Lake Powell in Arizona, and then ended up 5 days with Denise, Bill, Elyse and Addie. They drove him to the Denver airport and he arrived back home last night. He and Elyse (who is going to be a sophomore in college this fall), have become very close. Take care and see you soon. Love, Aunt Janet